contact me

Have questions? Interested in a commission? Don’t hesitate to contact me! I can make anything that is crocheted.
(330) 907-7941

if you are ordering a commission please include in your email/text/message:

  • a detailed description of what you would like to order including:

    • desired color

    • desired material

    • desired size

    • for stuffies: weighted or non-weighted? (extra fee may apply)

  • if you are able to, a picture of the crocheted object. like i say in other sections of the site—if you can send me a reference picture of something someone else has crocheted, i can make it!

    • if you can find an exact pattern on etsy/ribblr/etc, that would be ideal! i can either pay for it myself, or we can split the price of it (depending on the cost).

  • if you need it to be shipped (and if you are out of the US)

  • when you need it done and sent by

  • if you have any cat allergy! (i do have cats, but i can take several steps— crocheting out of the house, washing the product, etc. if needed to accommodate any allergies!)